Day 1 - My Wilderness Experience

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Day 1 - My Wilderness Experience

Post by jvaughn1 »

While Shepherds Watch Their Own Flock Day 1
A unique book that allowed me to daily reflect upon my own pastoral identity. I have felt since day 1 in the wilderness. There has been times when my car broke down that I was forced to use the public transit. I had to become familiar with the bus, train, and street car routes. I had to sacrifice the luxury of leaving my house at the last minute for fear of missing the bus, train or street car. I also had to prepare for the weather outside, rain, snow, or heat. I began to adapt to the weather, and the transit system. What I have learned in my wilderness journey is that we can lose our bearing or regain them. The wilderness can be such a catalyst for good. I have saved on the cost of gas every week. I have been able to reflect on God during my morning commune to Seattle. I am grateful for my wilderness journey for it has prepared me to expect God in unexpected places. Paul J. Achtemeier, in the Bible Dictionary defines wilderness, a desolate or deserted area devoid or civilization. I can think about Jesus when he feed the multitudes in the wilderness (Mark 8:4) he showed he was able to overcome its dangers, both physical and supernatural. In the wilderness we can overcome our issues.
Julie L Vaughn
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