Theology of Justice

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Theology of Justice

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My theology of justice has been sharped by my experience of growing up in the inner city of south central in Los Angeles, California and scripture. God is the Divine Shepherd and has promised to come and rescue us. I could relate to how the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. Scripture informs us that creating and executing just structures to hold people accountable for their interactions with others and with the land so that human life can flourish. We are to take care of the widow, the poor, the voiceless and the marginalized (Micah 6:8; Isaiah 1:17, James 1:27.

The last two years I have traveled to Nigeria as an advocate for justice. I seek to change the system that causes people to go without food and water. It’s a country that is rich and the incorrupt government keeps around 90% of the funds that should be used for the people. In Matthews 5: 13-16 Jesus challenges us to be the Salt and Light of the world. I take that seriously. Jesus adds in Matthew 23 that justice and mercy is a part of the “weightier� matters of the law. God rescuing the Israelites out of their slavery is fundamental as well. God calls us to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves�. I am thankful for those who have shown compassion and justice towards me.
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