Day 11: Gathering the Scattered

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Stephanie Whiting
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Joined: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:07 pm
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Day 11: Gathering the Scattered

Post by Stephanie Whiting »

My growing up experience in responsibility was a lot less dramatic than Said's but mine was strict, never-the-less. I was grounded for not wearing shoes in the house because of my mother being a seamtress, and there was a good possibility of sewing needles on the floor. I was grounded because I touched the gun cabinet, grounded for chewing gum with braces, and if I was too sick for church, I was too sick to get out of bed all day. These resonable rules taught me to be obedient to my parents, and ultimately to my Lord Jesus. Teaching children to be responsible is what God demands of parents because they then will grow up responsible citizens and hopefully responsible Christians devoted to the Great Commission.

I thank my parents daily for my strict upbringing, for I am responsible in keeping my word. The Lord has also taught me by His gentle rebuking when I stray off the path He has laid out. I am a responsible shepherd today for a few womwn. I show up when we agree to study, I pray with them, and tell them when I see they are straying off the path. My ministry's are demanding of my time, and I am in the process of evaluating them to see if they are where the Lord wants me to be. Could I trust other's to take over? So far that has not worked out, but that does not mean it never will. Delegating has never been my strong suit. I am praying for His guidance. I must always remember, the Lord is my shepherd, I want for nothing.
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