Running away or being called somewhere

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Running away or being called somewhere

Post by skim51 »

How do you know if a certain church is a church that you are called to? How do you know that it is a calling to that church rather than running away from a present situation? I have heard both ends of the argument. One is that there is no such thing as a perfect church so you need to learn difficult lessons in perseverance by sticking things out. But that can also fit the description of someone who has a savior mentality. It can be a situation that was never meant to be and it can be forced to continue by a leader who forces it to work when in fact there is really nothing there in the community. Maybe it is a broken community.

The other end of the spectrum can be being too quick to label a calling simply because it may seem like a greener pasture in a certain aspect. Maybe this new church pays better. Maybe this new church is more laid back in pastoral work hours or duties. Or maybe people are just more friendlier. Or what if this really is a genuinely a gift from God in providing all the right tools to lead ministry in a very effective way?
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