Day 1

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Day 1

Post by glorybegod »

“What is there to research about us? We are nothing! Why waste time, then, yours and ours? This is just a brief excerpt of the Introduction of the book. When I was reading it seems to me the shepherds have point or reason to say that. Since I have no clue at all what will be the rationale or significance of the research. But while I was reading Day 1 I was totally absorbed and find the topic so informative and engaging. The vivid description of the scenario in the desert made it lively and clear which helps my imagination. I have no idea how life in the desert was like until I read Day 1. I have not experience that real desert life like the danger they faced in each day but I can relate a little bit with some of my ministry experiences in the Philippines. It is a tropical country, humid and hot most of the time. But I know that is nothing compared to desert life. Our recent ministry requires a lot of traveling and several times facing some dangers too. All we can do is to pray and totally trust and depend on God. One time we were in a boat amidst the windy weather because of the upcoming storm. The captain and his assistance trying so hard to go against the wind or else we will be blown into the middle of nowhere in the sea. I was so anxious and almost trembling in fear. Where is my faith? Oh, God forgive my unbelief!
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