The Drink That Satisfies

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The Drink That Satisfies

Post by dcarver »

It's no great secret that the American church is in a long season of spiritual draught. People aren't flocking to churches to find answers to life's problems, to hear a fresh word from God, or to satisfy the deep longings of their souls. So many people quench their thirst temporarily through sports, social media, possessions, relationships, and the "pleasures of sin for a season". Many of these thirst quenching placebos can lead to addictive behaviors, gnawing disappointment, spiritual anemia, and eternal destruction. The prophet Jeremiah writes that we too often drink from "broken cisterns that hold no water" instead of "the fountain of living waters" that can only be found in a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Why do people, especially Christians, seek the wrong things to quench their soul's thirst? Have they not clearly heard us preach the Risen Lord's beautiful invitation, "Come to me and drink freely from the water of life"? Have they refused to allow the Great Shepherd of Souls to "guide them to springs of living water?" More importantly, do they see evidence of the Water of Life oozing out from our shepherd's heart? Are we passionately pleading with people to drink from the only source we've found to satisfy our soul's thirst? Do our sermons make people thirsty? Are we, like David, longing for the Lord to satisfy our thirst in this increasingly dry and weary culture? Do we tirelessly pray for the Lord to revive this nation, our churches, and us…now? Let us repent of our sins, turn back to God, and wait expectantly for streams of living water to saturate our wilderness seasons and settings.
Doug Carver
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