Guard Yourselves

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Guard Yourselves

Post by fkballa65 »

DAY 26: 09/6/19
In Chapter 26 the author turns the focus inward from shepherding the flock to guarding our hearts as we faithfully follow our calling as the under-shepherds. He exposes the subtle dangers of a shepherd turning into a wolf whereby devouring the very flock that he is entrusted to take care of and protect them from the predators.
The erosion of a shepherd’s inward spirituality starts when he sees God’s work solely as a means to serve their needs. I remember having a conversation with an independent pastor many years ago while serving with Youth With A Mission who said, “plant a church and the church will take care of all your needs.� I was vehemently opposed to that idea and said, “if that is the motivation to plant a church then I will never plant one.� Subsequently I never did plant a church. Unfortunately, many approach ministry and pastoring as a means for selfish gain.
Prophet Ezekiel warns the Shepherds of this erroneous approach to ministry, “Woe to the shepherds to Israel who only take care of themselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? (Ezekiel 34:2-3). This scripture helps the pastors and all those who aspire to ministry to check their true motivations and guard themselves against falling into the trap of the enemy.
It is a sad state of affairs when shepherds turn as wolves or false-shepherds/ false-teachers and mislead the flock away from following the true Shepherd. In the Southern part of India, we have saying, “When a fence that supposed to protect the field, instead it eats the field then who will protect the field.� Similarly, the pastors who supposed to nurture and keep their congregation on the right path lures them away by false teaching what would the state of that church be? Unfortunately, these days, we see this trend affecting the body of Christ worldwide.
This chapter serves me as a warning in my own pastoring. If I am not careful in guarding my heart against the popular culture with its ever-changing trends, I too am in danger of falling away from the truth and misleading others to do the same. The cry of my heart is LORD help me and give me courage to stay the course on the straight and narrow path. Protect my heart from cynicism and skepticism. Help me to keep my heart ever so tender to the precious gospel truths that I have always believed in since the time I gave my heart to you as a teenager.
My prayer is that I will have a discerning heart and sound mind to avoid preaching what the itching ears would like to hear, and stay committed to proclaiming the whole gospel truth even if it means losing my pastoral job. Help me never to lose sight of your nature and tender loving care with which you love all people from all over the world. Only by your grace, and by the power of your Holy Spirit can I guard my inner self against turning into a wolf. Amen!
While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks: “Guard Yourselves� Day 26, Pages175-179
Francis Balla (D. Min) Student ID 163124
Rev. Francis Balla, Pastor
Hope Church Sharon
5 Harold Street, Sharon, MA 02067
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