Day 5 – Spring Up, O Well

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Day 5 – Spring Up, O Well

Post by prchsd »

Dr. Laniak asked, “How do you know where to dig?� (47) This question directed to church leaders is also a question for the Good Shepherd. To respond to this question, leaders begin by acknowledging God as the ultimate source of all things. Secondly, leaders need to understand the needs of the people. Lastly, a leader must understand their position as the mediator between both. But all too often, we view ourselves a fix its leaders. We like to fix things and move on to the next. However, Laniak's words imply that sometimes must persevere as they shepherd others on their journey.
For example, I served as the Director of Christian Education in Arkansas. There was a young lady there who struggled with a specific situation. As we talked, I provided guidance and prayed for her. However, she was unmoved. For three years, we kept digging as we addressed the issue. Then one day out of nowhere, she came to me and said: “I got it!� It was a great victory for her as she struggled with God trying to hear what God wanted her to do about her vocation.
It would have been easy for me to move on to something else and leave her to God. However, as a leader, I needed to walk with her through it. I understand day five through this lens. The good news for day five is there are streams in the desert. Sometimes they are hard to find, but if we stay the course, God promises to provide the resources we need. All we need to do is trust him and continue to point people to him as the ultimate source.
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