Day 8 – The Shepherd Healer

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Day 8 – The Shepherd Healer

Post by prchsd »

The reading for this begins with a bold claim, “But a good shepherd can counter every affliction.� (65) I do not doubt that this statement is true for actual sheepherders who care for the animals daily. They know every animal and pay attention to their health because their lively hood depends upon their level of care. I also do not doubt that this statement is true for God and his son Jesus Christ. Throughout the biblical narrative, there are numerous stories about the healing touch of Jesus, just as the reading highlights. While I readily acknowledge that there are pastors doing yeomen’s work in this area, overall, the church is woefully lacking in the healing department. This points to a truism that the eleven o’clock hour is the most segregated hour on Sunday morning.
This statement provides insight into the fragmentation of the church, and by extension, it’s leaders. Laniak writes, “The expectations upon God’s under-shepherd is still to strengthen the weak, heal the sick bind up the injured, and liberate the possessed.� (68) However, we are quietly selective as to who and how we minister. Most of our congregations are homogenous, filled with people just like us. We say we are open to everyone, but our congregations do not reflect that sentiment. In this instance, Laniak is asking the right questions of leaders, questions that should challenge us all. He goes on to say,
I wonder if our ministry environments fully include those with disabilities. Do we welcome those silently enduring the shame and suffering of AIDS? Do we promote deliverance ministry? Do we take health for granted? Do we recognize the subtle symptoms of our flocks’ ailments in a toxic social environment, saturated with sensual stimulation? Have we created a safe place for fragile souls who are suffering emotionally, overwhelmed with grief, or chronic depression? Do we afford the time necessary to care for those fighting long-term and terminal illnesses? Are those who are suffering the most, touched the most? (68-69)
Jesus provided an exceptional model of leadership. He felt the scorn, ate with sinners, healed the sick, and welcomed the outcast. He did so because he valued people and saw the possibility of redemption in everyone. As leaders, we need to do the same. We must reduce the barriers to the flock and become available to all of God’s children. The church must become a place of healing for all who hurt in the world. It cannot be unless its leaders lead and do the heavy work of changing the current culture.
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