Called to Care

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Called to Care

Post by JWDIII »

During the pandemic, caring for the people I pastor took on different forms. For example, I could no longer go visit my people in person (at least not on a regular basis). The main way I sought to keep in touch with my congregation was to call every household at least once a week. Sometimes these conversations were short, while at other times they were quite long. This allowed the people to pour out their frustrations and needs to me. In this way, I was able to check on their physical needs, as well as their spiritual needs. I could still counsel them using Scripture and pray with them on a regular basis.

Being a Pastor during the pandemic has not been easy, not that I expected it to be. I had many parishioners, at one time or another, who were extremely frustrated, and they let me know it. The main reason they were frustrated was because they thought we should be back inside the Sanctuary sooner than we actually were. It was tough to navigate this at times, but I’m reminded of Laniak’s comments on leadership, at many times, being a thankless job.

Alongside this, I was not allowed to visit my parishioners in the hospital. I had to rely on the hospital chaplain, and she was always more than willing to go visit my people. I am most thankful for her sincere devotion and care during this time. Throughout the pandemic, caring for my congregation took on different forms, with my mind constantly on the fact that I am striving to care for the needs of the Lord’s people.
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