Securing the Pens

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Securing the Pens

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 20 Gatekeepers

My pens have increased through the years. Children, grandchildren and the growth of business naturally does that. One of my early lessons as a gatekeeper was managing an older close friend who was undermining me as Dad. My response was hurtful and in-spite of an apology the relationship continued to spiral down. After a number of conflicts initiated on his part, I asked for the key to our house and returned the key to his house. Formal access to our home was now required and time with our children would need to be closely scrutinized. Numerous attempts to improve the relationship were rebuffed. It appeared this chamber musician partner of my Dad, the best man in our wedding, a dear friend for over 25 years, an “adopted” member of our family, “Uncle” to our children was only interested in pacifying our relationship, using his great wealth to manipulate through inheritance, gifts and blessings galore for reasons only God knows. Pastoral counsel directed me to Psalm 1. Conviction followed and cutting the cord to future wealth and ongoing material blessing was chosen over giving this wolf access to our children.

In heaven, I’m expecting to see the wonders and magnitude of how the Good Shephard, The Great Shephard, specifically cared for me in my lifetime. Then I will know fully, seeing how he orchestrated events that exposed the wolves, cut off and faced the lions as they stalked with the intention to devour me and my family. I’ve seen in part, his protection over uncontrollable and vulnerable situations like leaving a vehicle in isolated areas for long periods during backpacking trips, doors left unlocked or even wide open for entire weekends with no losses to a office and warehouse full of valuable property. Grace is amazing and I have and do live a life of amazing grace. Worthy is the Lamb!

Dave Dassoulas
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