Being Led

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Being Led

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 29 Following the Leader

I dribble to the left once again. The successes following the previous checks have drawn multiple defenders. My choice of an underdog team has left an unskilled participant, my teammate, uncovered again and open underneath the basket. The ball is dished off, received and the shot falls off the backboard and into the net for another score. It took me decades to get to this spot. It’s so much more fun and rewarding than my former posture, to shoot every ball I got my hands on. My teammate is glowing in their success. A love for the game, a passion to grow is birthed.

My friend lies sick beyond my comprehension and ability to empathize. Any noise at all makes him feel like a bomb going off next to his head. Encouragement through words is not a blessing. But massaging the temples and neck bring a small degree of relief. So does rubbing lotion on his feet. I am a welcome companion.

We walk up the path, hand in hand. Rocks are identified as stepping stones. We stay out of the abyss of water and mud, for the most part. I’m right there for the slips or miscalculations. The older brothers and cousins have sprinted ahead. They now know this path like the back of their hands. Everyone is happy and secure.

I’m very comfortable being led by God. I’m very comfortable leading from the front, side and the rear. It’s taken decades to get there. Proverbs 16:9 has been proven and tested through the years. I’m at my best when I remember; “In his mind a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” It’s easy to be led, when the one leading has such a wonderful plan.

Dave Dassoulas
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