Pastoring is Multi-Dimensional

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Pastoring is Multi-Dimensional

Post by PastorMark »

In the ANE and OT, leaders were often likened to shepherds (Hebrew raah). Laniak’s discussion makes it clear that though the term is most often associated with kings, prophets, and priests are also considered shepherds. This background information suggests that the metaphorical role of a shepherd in the OT is multi-faceted.

In the context of the contemporary American church, however, my anecdotal impression is that the role of a pastor is often more narrowly associated with the gentle and compassionate care of individuals and congregations. The biblical model of pastor/leader includes that aspect but encompasses a much broader range of roles. Based on the biblical usage of the term, shepherding includes the prophetic, priestly, and kingly aspects of leadership. I would personally benefit from deepening my understanding of what each of those offices involved in the OT to provide a more complete picture of what the role of shepherd entails.

Furthermore, to what extent and in what ways do those roles carry over into the NT office of pastor/elder? In my mind, the prophetic function is associated with proclaiming the truth (vision/preaching/teaching), the priestly function with compassionate care (counseling, intercession, visitation) as well as worship leading, and the kingly function with organizational and executive leadership (strategy, governance, management). How accurate is that picture?
Mark Carlsson

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