Called to Care

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Ken Schemmer
Posts: 20
Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:58 pm
Location: Anaheim, CA

Called to Care

Post by Ken Schemmer »

I was called by God when I was 18 years old. It was between my Junior and senior year of High School. I went on a trip to Columbia, South America. We went to build a house for a missionary pilot in the jungle, and as we were there God called me into full time service. It was during the afternoon when we would have our personal reflection time that God spoke to me about being a pastor. I remember thinking that if I wanted to make a difference in this world; I would need to become a pastor or missionary. This was the start of the vision God has given me now to take the Gospel to all people who I am sent to. Through this vision God has used me in many different lives, experiences and nations. I am to love His sheep and to tell the lost lambs of His great news.
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