So How About You?

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So How About You?

Post by galtpastor »

I met someone recently like Mr. T.

I had arrived early for the Sunday morning worship service and took a seat. I was one of a handful of people in a space that had a capacity for 500+ people.

I wasn't too surprised to see an individual going around and greeting all of the people who had arrived early. When he got to me and introduced himself as the Pastor and engaged me in conversation for a couple of minutes before moving on to someone else, I was shocked. And he was not just greeting visitors...clearly, other he greeted were members/regulars.

I contrast this the running around I am doing before the service on Sunday mornings...I hardly have time to greet people let alone have a brief conversation.

Imagine my surprise to read this reflection and hear a not so still voice say..."So how about you?"
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