Movies and quotes

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Movies and quotes

Post by Jamie »

I think of the movie The Terminal, inspired by the true life story of Mehran Nasseri, who was stranded at Paris’s Charles de Gaulle airport for 15 years, how he’s waiting to go home, how that’s a metaphor for our situation.
The old spiritual goes, “This world ain’t my home/I’m just passin’ thru.� Do we really believe that? It’s one of the hardest things in the world to believe, that we are pilgrims on the road to heaven. But Malcolm Muggerige warns, “The only ultimate disaster that can befall us is to feel ourselves to be at home here on earth. As long as we are aliens we cannot forget that our true homeland which is that other kingdom You proclaimed.�
Brennan Manning: “The church of Jesus Christ is a place of promise and possibility, of adventure and discovery, a community of love on the move, strangers and exiles in a foreign land en route to the heavenly Jerusalem.� (The Importance of Being Foolish, p. 67)
“I’m homesick for the home I never had.� – Soul Asylum
“Home/Hard to say what it is when you never had one
Home/I can’t say where it is but I know I’m going
Home/That’s where the hurt is.�
– U2 (Walk On)
I include these song lyrics as they remind me of my generation’s jadedness concerning the idea of “home.� I think moreso than any generation before it, we long for home because most of us have never really experienced one. The increasing breakdown of family, church, business, and government structures in a backhanded way sets us up to place our trust in God alone…once we can get past all the disappointment, anger and cynicism. �
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