Reproducing at 100%

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Reproducing at 100%

Post by dcyprian »

Dr. Laniak mentioned that the goal for every shepherd is to produce at 100%; that during heat, the shepherd works to ensure that every ewe is pregnant. While this is hardly ever realized, it still is the goal.

It is further mentioned that 100% should also be our goal. At what level are we participating in the production of a spiritually healthy congregation?

Often, the leader confidently provides direction and leadership for programs and ministries - in a sense, creating important work (sometimes "busy" work) for the congregation. But the question that Dr. Laniak raises and wants leaders to address is we are bringing new life into others?

Pouring ourselves into the life of believers is a selfless act that requires, among other things, time, patience, and focus. Just like the gestation period takes time and can't be rushed, similarly, the one that is in the reproduction process cannot be rushed.

However, as John Wooden once said, "be quick, but don't hurry." We need to be intentional and purposeful, and quick to teach and reproduce, but not so much, as to hurry the process - or give up if it is not going as expected. Remember in the parable of the lost coin and the lost sheep. All are important.
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