No Turning Back, No Turning Back

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No Turning Back, No Turning Back

Post by jcross »

I have a day locked in my mind, a day when God seemed to break into my car, my drive home from seminary. He broke into my thoughts and into my heart. It was a day 12 years ago and on that day, my life experience, gifting, education, and passion seemed to converge into the vision for a life mission. Christ Jesus grabbed a hold of me and since then I have stumbled forward to be the shepherd who would live out the unshakeable calling of the Lord. It has not been easy and has not been in my time. It has not unfolded as I thought it would. I am still pursuing Christ, desiring to be faithful in the commonplace of here and now yet at times I get discouraged by the lack of progress. Resonating inside me is the desire to be God's faithful servant and do His work.

When his life was in jeopardy and his calling in question, David was "braced" by his calling and anointing. That calling would be tested for many years. Did David feel like giving up? Settling for less? Abandoning the dream? I suspect he did. Do I? At times.

In the end I am not following the dream, but my Chief Shepherd. It's not my concept of my calling that is my god, but the God who designed the calling that I must follow. His Word says in Eph. 2:10

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

To follow the Shepherd is to love and lead the flock. Braced by Him and led by His unseen footsteps, today is a new day of trusting and carrying lost sheep. No turning back, no turning back.
Jody Cross
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