271 gospel pictures

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271 gospel pictures

Post by chdanrice »

Dr Laniak states that one Arab writer could describe 271 different plants and shrubs in the Arab desert lands. Having been to some of these lands in Iraq, I must say that is very impressive. I never noticed nearly that many. But it brought to mind the need we have to know our "lane" well, very well. What are we experts in? As a chaplain it is easy to become an expert in many things other than the Gospel. I am pushed and cajoled into other areas and become over time good at...X or Y or Z. Oh to have 271 different ways to describe the good news of Jesus Christ. Oh to have 271 sermons ready at hand to display God's glory and goodness. Oh to have 271 useful parables that I could use with soldiers to woo them to our Lord. "Thank you God for this reminder to be an expert in You."
Dan Rice, US Army, Chaplain
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