so many uses, one piece of wood

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so many uses, one piece of wood

Post by chdanrice »

this chapter was so insightful into the usual uses and needs for a shepherd's staff. I created a logo when I first came to my current job and part of it is a shepherds staff. I chose that because the first branch insignia for Army chaplains was a shepherds staff or crook. this was before each chaplain wore their respective faith insignia; we all wore a shepherds crook/staff.

The many ways a shepherd uses his staff was tied so well into what we should be doing today as pastors. Reaching out toward others or pushing others toward help. That one especially clicked with me. There is a tendency to want to help so much that I feel I need to do. It almost feels lazy to push someone toward someone else. But in the discipleship mentality that makes sense...whenever I am doing pastoral counseling, I at some point tell the soldier that for our next visit if they prefer to see someone else then here is who I recommend. Its important that the person being counseled connects with their counselor; this applies to many other areas too.

The shepherds staff nudges people in the way they should go. I may not always be able to nor should I feel obligated too go with someone somewhere. They need to learn and trust in God. We want to be wanted but must push people to want God more. God is what they need not us.

God use me to push others toward you. Give me eyes to see what others need and the courage to nudge them there without feeling the need to be You for them. They need You. You are all we need.
Dan Rice, US Army, Chaplain
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