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Post by ckcshanae »

This was such an impactful reading. I say that because God is Showing me right now who I am in His Kingdom. No my story isn't as eye opening as Jamie's but He sure did get my attention. What I had planned for myself and God's plan for me are very different, He is showing me the way He will use me is through the arts. I have always loved the arts even before I came to know Him but I had no idea I would be able to bring Him glory. I had no idea that what He put on my heart would touch people. He continues daily to give me insight on how to care for His people whether through humor, poetry, or whatever. He show me that every once in a while on this journey His people need a laugh or some inspiration, I am honored t have been chosen. I take the gifts that He has given me to bless and I use them to His Glory. I have been called to help comfort the people of the kingdom with laughter and inspiration and I am forever grateful to The Lord.
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