Day 1. Thriving in the Wilderness:

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Day 1. Thriving in the Wilderness:

Post by SKJames »

“The wilderness is where God revealed God self repeatedly as Provider, Protector and Guide. I must admit my most challenging setting (I say wilderness) for my own shepherding has been at home.�
I began with a statement Dr. Laniak makes in his introduction because that was the statement that arrested my attention and drew me into a place that was no longer an academic assignment but my present pace of being “in the wilderness. I was not taken by surprise but the readings put words to my feelings to help me began to navigate through my dry places knowing sooner or later I would find the “hidden moisture� for my very weary and thirsty soul. I am encouraged in the reminder that the wilderness is not always a “bad� place depending on the timing and how long you have been there. The reading reminded me of the one whose sandal print in the sand I follow as Godly and human examples of what great things come out of my “desert experiences. Therefore, I am thankful for the “aha� moment of revelation for me that although I may feel lost in my wilderness experience if I trust God I can regain my sense of direction again.
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