Digging Wells

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Lynn Grandsire
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Joined: Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:42 pm
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Digging Wells

Post by Lynn Grandsire »

On reading Day number 5, about digging wells in dry, parched lands, I found myself thinking about leading others into digging wells from Scripture. Water is life giving and each of us ultimately find life from God, mostly through Scripture. As a pastor I have tools to find the water and to dispense it to my flock. i also have the obligation to teach my flock how to find water and life apart from me. i realized that i was given tools to find life from Scripture long before i trained or became an official pastor. My responsibility is to continue showing, by model and teaching how to find life and meaning concerning God and their lives from Scripture. it is both a responsibility and a joy to teach Scripture and see the lightbulbs go on for people as the dig themselves life giving water from Scripture.
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