Living Water

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Living Water

Post by lsdibble »

I am reminded of the gift of life in water. From the very beginning of life, God has used ordinary water for his extraordinary purpose. Water is basic to life and through the gift of water God sustains all living things. In creation, God’s Spirit moved over the watery chaos calling forth order and life. In the time of Noah, God destroyed evil by the waters of the flood, giving righteousness a new beginning. It was through the waters of the Red Sea that God led his people out of slavery into the Promised Land. And it was in the waters of Jordan, that our Lord Jesus was baptized and anointed with the Holy Spirit. In the early church the instruction for baptism was that the fonts and pools be filled with water from moving streams to remind them of the transforming and living power of God’s Holy Spirit poured into their lives. I was reminded from this entry and the next one "Spring Up, O Well," of the necessary diligence to dig deep for this living water when our lives and ministries feel thirsty and tired and parched. As John 7:38 reads "Out of His inmost being will flow rivers of living water." As we attend and abide to this Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; this eternal exchange of love, our thirst is quenched and our souls renewed.
Rev. Leslie S. Dibble
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