Day 3

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Day 3

Post by kevrev16 »

The question on page 37 struck me this morning - "Can we recall an occasion..." To be honest, I can recall many occasions in my life with Christ - my first prayer, wrestling with immense doubt (my own personal "dark night of the soul"), I remember my moment of responding to the Gospel as a young man. However, I'm not able to pinpoint a specific moment of pastoral calling. Rather, it's felt like it's always been there, under the surface, waiting to respond. When I became a believer, I felt that the next and most logical step was to try to help others do the same.

A specific personal mission, though, which has drastically shaped my life originated in time spent in an orphanage in Thailand. I was 18, spending a year serving in various ministries in Chiang Mai when I had the opportunity to visit and work with an orphanage for children with AIDS. My time there did instill in me this "undeniable sense of unique destiny" in that I felt a call to adopt from Thailand one day. 14 years later, my wife and I have a beautiful little girl that we've adopted from Thailand and our love for her is immeasurable.

Being a new father (Mary is our first and she's been with us for 2 years) has taught me a great deal in how I pastor and respond to people. Knowing what it is to adopt it has resonated with me more strongly than ever that we are adopted sons and daughters of the King.
Kevin Maurice
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