Reconnecting with my individual “riverbank” experience.

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Reconnecting with my individual “riverbank” experience.

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 3
Called to Care

“Jamie, this is my plan for your life: to rescue my lost sheep, one at a time.”

Saved by grace at five years old, I grew up influenced by the intimate relationship my mother and other close relatives had with Christ. The Word of God was deposited deeply in me through my Sunday school and other church activities. I was loved much by God, walked with him and naturally shared Bible stories and Christ with my peers and others as a boy and into adulthood. When I was intentional to stray, God cut me off at the pass and redirected me back to himself, deepening an already deep relationship and placing in me a desire to know his Word. All his initiative. Fast forward forty years later, much has changed and not much has changed. I’m more attentive to the Spirit and his Word is increasingly relevant and powerful. A few months ago during a walk, I noticed a neighbors yard and property had transitioned to a jungle. I took note. A few weeks later I walked by again and felt the Spirits nudge to take initiative to offer help. A few days later, driving past with fifteen minutes to spare I pulled into his driveway and drove up to the house. After a number of knocking attempts, the unkept owner finally answered the door. I reintroduced myself and asked if it might be a blessing if I took a shot at taming his yard. He mumbled yes and then asked; “Did you hear about Carrie?” I answered no and then he proceeded to inform me that following several years of physical and mental affliction, on December 8, 2019 his wife had taken her life in their kitchen at 3:22 am. Ugh. After he shared about his extreme depression since the tragedy and before my departure, we prayed together.

Being goal oriented, it didn’t take me long to realize my time interacting with my Neighbor Mike was much more important than reclaiming the jungle. Last weekend was the culmination of numerous texts, phone and conversations in the yard, and trips back and forth from my house with my mower, chainsaw and pruning equipment. After spending the day burning branches, talking, eating campfire roasted hot dogs, chips and sipping coke, I looked at my new friend and noticed that he was a different man from the one who cracked open the door three months prior. How kind and gracious of God to care for this invisible one. In closing, a Proverb immediately comes to mind; “A generous man will prosper. He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Merry Christmas!

Dave Dassoulas

(Used with permission)
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