“Leading means watching.”

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“Leading means watching.”

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 16
While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks

“But at the center of the leader’s role is something more subtle and subjective-discerning, attentive oversight.”

This past Friday morning, I passed the baton of leadership to Tim Birdseye, promoting him to President of the company I own and steward, Hope Builders Inc. Through the past five plus years, Tim has closely watched me and asked that subtle question, why did you do that? Why did you say that? Why didn’t you say this? Each time I would have to pause and process an answer. I didn’t know at a surface level. My answer was always informed through layers of experience and a deep understanding of Gods word. Part gift, part hard work, and part disciplined and intentional effort to grow in wisdom and knowledge. I look back on some big watching moments and see how little things like a missing car, a vehicle in the wrong place, a new piece of data, and asking to see and then read the original communication, all turned something little into something big, like big and important people one minute being disqualified from leadership the next. Not because of a mistake, but because of people in power manipulating others for their own agenda at the expense of others, willfully.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the holy one is understanding. And what is the fear of the Lord? It is to hate evil. The more I get to know The Good Shepherd, the more I hate evil, in me, in others, and the more I appreciate grace, that I don’t get what I deserve and I do get His “righteousness” in my credit. When we believe and trust we soar like an eagle who spreads his wings, lifting on the thermal updrafts of the Spirit, filled with freedom, peace and joy, effortlessly able to watch from above. Worthy is the Lamb!

Dave Dassoulas
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