A place to hear

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A place to hear

Post by vdelacruz »

The wilderness - such a place of terror, but also, as pointed out by Laniak, a place of renewal. Is it any surprise that the root word for wilderness, midbar, means "word" in Hebrew? Amid the barrenness of the dessert that implies death, it is a place for life for many beings. For us humans, the dessert can also be a place for life; a place to hear God's life-giving voice.

Is it any wonder Isaiah points out in 40:3 that the voice to prepare the way for the coming of the Savior comes from the wilderness?

Whatever spiritual wilderness I may encounter in life, may I always look at it from the perspective of a place to hear, a place where God is speaking something to me. All I need to do is not resent the barrenness of the land. but instead, to take the time to quiet my heart and listen.
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