In Tension

Scott Vance
Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:32 pm

In Tension

Post by Scott Vance »

I think the very first concluding observation by Laniak is critical for today’s under-shepherds to grasp. “The first observation is that shepherd leadership is comprehensive in scope. It represents a diverse and changing ‘role set’. For the sake of convenience we have in places summarized the inter-related pastoral roles as protector, provider and guide. Fundamentally, however, the task of shepherds is determined daily by the changing needs of the flock under their care. Pastors are generalists… The shepherd image is especially useful for holding in tension these essential features of leadership. Authority without compassion leads to harsh authoritarianism. Compassion without authority leads to social chaos. Shepherds must be able to express their leadership in a variety of ways. (Timothy S. Laniak, 2006, Shepherd after My own Heart, p.247)

I couldn’t agree more. Living in this “tension� is something I have personally experienced throughout the covid pandemic. During the initial six months of the pandemic, I exercised more authority in my care and provision for the flock. I made phone calls to the entire congregation while guiding the deacons (sub-leaders) to provide more regular care for the flock. In addition, I worked with the governing elders (Session) to provide ongoing worship through live streaming. Still, I did so by bypassing the usual processes as I took the steps that I deemed necessary. Purchases were made at my behest, and specialized labor was hired without much consultation.

As the pandemic continued and entered new phases, my care and guidance for the flock became less authoritative and more compassionate and patient as the urgent needs of the initial crisis passed. I now find that I have more space to be gentle and patient in working collaboratively with my sub-leaders so that they may take their flourishing next step, and I spend more time coming alongside those who need extra grace. As covid moves to an endemic position, I gratefully find myself moving between the tension of gentle, patient care for the flock and, when necessary, exercising authority when called upon to do so.
Pastor Scott Vance

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