The idea that compassion leads to justice

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The idea that compassion leads to justice

Post by SJMBC »

As a pastor, I watch members of my flock willingly choose political talking points over Biblical insight. Any mention of the compassion of Jesus, mercy, the poor, restorative justice or some other term that could be perceived as slightly political is often perceived as overtly so. I cannot preach the gospel without talking about justice and I cannot talk about justice without inflaming those who are all too ready to hear my words as being some sort of political dog whistle. I fully expect that the people who leave our church in the near future will not leave because they are not being fed, but because they are not hearing what their own itching ears want to hear, or what the talking heads on their preferred news channel are convincing them is true. My own way of “circling the flock” from the previous chapter is to continue the point people to Christ and to live the way he commanded us, and that includes serving and loving the least of these.
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