When Darkness Is Eliminated

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When Darkness Is Eliminated

Post by clein »

Darkness must be a scary thing in a place lit only by fire. Even in the Andes there is electricity and bare bulbs. There is no real darkness. But out in the desert the darkness must be unlike anything that I’ve ever seen.

And yet that darkness can be found in the bright lights of Dallas or LA or D.C. That darkness can be found out there or in here. Darkness is a fact of life.

But I’m reminded of Revelation 22:5. The last book of the Bible speaks of a time when there will be no darkness, no shadow of death, no tsalmavet. “They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light.�

What justice, the very thing that we as people most fear – darkness – will in the end be completely wiped out. Not by an extra sun, not by 30,000 watt halogen lights, not by cold fusion but by the simple presence of the lamb who was slain
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