Recognizing the Wolves

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Ken Schemmer
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Recognizing the Wolves

Post by Ken Schemmer »

To many times we have opened our doors to wolves. This is something that we need to train and equip our under shepherds what to watch for. We need more eyes and ears helping us to see the wolves. We also have to test the people who are coming to help with our children and youth. Too many churches have just filled spots that they needed and have not checked out their backgrounds. Wolves come in sheep’s clothing, just like the great deceiver.
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Staff and Rod

Post by adammabry »

One insight that helped me with this is the distinction between the rod and the staff. The staff is a guidance tool, but the rod is a weapon. Shepherds must wield both. We mustn't beat the sheep with the rod, nor attempt to guide a wolf. Wolves must be defended against, and learning this freed me to do just that.
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