Skilled, hard-working, and trustworthy?

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Skilled, hard-working, and trustworthy?

Post by galtpastor »

I wonder sometimes about colleagues who see their roles as a means to entitlement rather than responsibility. Individuals who see themselves on the career track, rather than the servant track. But I need to watch where I point.

For you have heard it before, haven't you. "You only work on Sunday...what's your problem, why can't you get this done?"

I can't help but ask myself:
In God's economy do I do want needs to be done...or let it go undone? Do I roll with the punches. Am I skilled and ready to do whatever is asked of me...or do I seek to hide from the expectations that church members and leaders place of me. Or do I help the congregation to find it's place in God's Kingdom building adventure?

Most importantly, does God consider me "good help"?

That is my hope and my prayer.
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