Permission to Lead

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Permission to Lead

Post by peterlim23 »

"The key was an unimposing ewe who apparently possessed the natural leadership in this flock. She was just waiting for someone to make eye contact with her and begin walking. She would've followed with the rest behind - even the goats!"

There is so much insight and wisdom on leadership in examining the life of shepherds, sheep, goats and the entire pasture rubric. For me Day 32 is so amazing! To see the "indigenous" leadership dynamic that exist in the flock was truly enlightening. The "Shepherds co-opt indigenous leadership. They empower natural leaders within a flock." How incredible is that?

As a leader, often times I am so focused on "leading" I fail to recognize others within my community who are endowed with leadership gifts. If I lead everything and do everything, the "goats" and the "rams", "donkey" along with the "maria" will never be able to lead. Just like the "ewe" who needed the eye contact giving it permission to lead, I believe there are many in my community who are not exercising their leadership gifts because I am not giving them the space to lead. I need to look my men and women and youth and children in the eyes and give them permission and the space to lead. Quite humbling indeed.
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Indigenous Leadership

Post by llynch »

This topic also captured my attention. As a person who tends to speak up and speak out (and perhaps squelch? the timid or quiet ones) I took this passage to heart. True leadership looks to enhance and encourage the gifts of others. Sometimes it is a matter of "personality type" - "introverts" vs "extroverts" but sometimes it is simply being humble and aware and willing to put others' before yourself. Delegating a task that might be done in a different (less productive way?) but this is the way to build leaders. Good thoughts to "ruminate" on.
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