Teach to Spot the Wolves

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Teach to Spot the Wolves

Post by peterlim23 »

Ten years ago, I found out that my former youth pastor had inappropriate relationships with at least 2 female students at my church over a two year period. That was the first time in my ministry experience that I had regrettably experienced a wolf within. I was obviously devastated when this came to light. More so, my heart broke for the two young female students. I was however, equally angry at the predator and more importantly angry at myself for not seeing this wolf.

It is absolutely imperative that I as a shepherd keep a diligent watch upon my flock. However, the sheep metaphor breaks down because people can leave my presence, my line of sight. After church or a ministry event, people leave to their respective homes. Even with all my diligence and faithfulness, I literally cannot keep my eyes on all my flock all the time. So how can I protect my flock when I cannot visibly see them?

To protect my flock means that I need to teach my flock to be able to spot out wolves so that when I am not around that they can protect themselves. It is the idea that is declared in Col. 2:4, "I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments." To protect my flock is to teach them to spot the wolves whether they be sexual predators or false teachers.
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