Wanting to grow in the wilderness

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Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:21 am
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Wanting to grow in the wilderness

Post by RonJulian »

My first reflex in the face of being led into a wilderness is to look for a rapid exit. And as I read Day 1, I was reminded again that when I do this, I am not allowing God the opportunity "to make me hungry" and in at to learn about him, learn to trust in him.

I like others have experienced times of wilderness. Two major wilderness experiences for me were living in a city (Brazzaville, Congo) being torn apart by civil war in 1993 and the death of my wife after an 18 month battle with cancer in December 1995. As I reflect on those days now, I see that the faith I place in God today is made stronger because of those days, weeks, months in the wilderness. And there are blessings that I have in my life today that have their roots in those difficult days.

I pray that I will not forget this lesson, but that I will remember to look at wilderness experiences as a time given to me by God to grow in knowing him better and a place to experience his faithfulness and love.
Ron Julian
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