Why Wilderness?

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Why Wilderness?

Post by jcross »

Why journey into the desert? Why leave the air conditioning, the comfort, the predictability, the props? Why trade the safe for what is fierce, dangerous, isolated, unpredictable? Why expose my firece self sufficiency to the fierce desert winds? After all, I like where I am. Why journey into the stripping away?

Perhaps, deep down my soul knows that beyond my pride and stubborn independence there is something better, richer and more authentic. Perhaps in the taking away there is something bettere given, God Himself and His Word. Deep down I know that in radical dependence is the kingdom, the filling and the fellowship I most long for.

I am lured into the desert to become aware of the care of the Great Shepherd. I envision emerging from the wilderness where my life will evidence the shepherding I've received. May this new heart that has been shaped by the hand of God in the wilderness, in a more profound way, be the heart of God to the world, His flock.
Jody Cross
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:09 am
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A time in the Wilderness

Post by mlandschoot »

I feel like at am currently in in the Wilderness. Trying to finish school and find the true calling God has on my life. He has me working with the least and the lost and I am truly humbled. Yet I find my strength and resources pushed to the limit. Just like walking or hiking in the desert I am quickly running out of water (energy). Yet God keeps calling me to not give-up the fight. I fall into camp each night exhausted from the struggle. Yet for some reason I look forward to the next day getting up before dawn to stay out of the heat of the day. It is a time of shaping my character, spirit, and mind. God is burning off he chaff of my past life. It in many ways is a time of renewal.[/quote]
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