Unexpected Friend

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Unexpected Friend

Post by RevJohn »

When I was called to the church I now serve, I wasn't sure who my strongest bonds would be with. It has turned out different than I expected.

One older gentleman I met early on, I wasn't sure I liked. He did not give you the warm fuzz feeling. At times he seemed critical. He was a bit of a lone ranger.
Over the last few years, I have found the truth in the section "Working Together." "The most demanding work forge life's deepest friendships." Because we worked on a major project of the church together, we saw each other often. We attended meetings and conferences together. I stopped by his home at all times of the day.

When we decided to take our first mission trip, he decided to come along. At the age of 80 he was the hardest worker of the team. When we did the same trip the following year, he went as well. We shared some difficult working conditions.

Three years ago, he and I had a major disagreement. It was witnessed by a leadership team in the church. The very next night. he and I were seated next to each other at a social event not connected to the church. One of the women on the leadership team saw us sitting next to each other. The following week when I saw her, she commented, "I couldn't believe I saw the two of you sitting together the other night, after what he said to you the night before!"

The reading noted the importance of shared vision, and I think that is key.
When you share the burden of the vision, then lasting friendships are forged as you serve the Lord together.
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