Green or Brown?

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Green or Brown?

Post by jcross »

My hometown is not short of rain in the spring or snow in the winter. We don't have a drought problem, except for the typical brown, dead grass in July and August. It becomes very obvious how much the grass needs the water (especially in the sandy soil of my front lawn). Some get very religious about their lawns, others are more laissez-faire. I can neglect my grass and let it stay parched, but I cannot afford to allow this to happen to my soul. Others are waiting for refreshing, for a life giving word, for a ray of hope.

It is not that there is a shortage of heavenly rain, for in our Saviour are the Rivers we seek. However, we live as if we have to "steal moisture" from wherever we can. We live as paupers instead of heirs. We miss the rivers when they are very close by. If my soul was grass, would it be green and lush or brown and limp? How long has it been since I have had a time of refreshing, drinking deeply of the waters? I sip, but I need to be immersed. I admit it, I need a deep refreshing.

To be refreshing, I have to be refreshed. Lord refresh me and help me be in the place of still and living water with You. I will be asked to give out of this heart very soon.
Jody Cross
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