The Absentee Shepherd

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The Absentee Shepherd

Post by smielke »

The thing which really jumped out at me in this section was that an effective shepherd must be present. There is nothing which can take the place of the physical presence when it comes to guarding one's flock against thieves or predators. Absenteeism can be a big pitfall for those involved in ministry if they are not careful and deliberate about their choices. It can be tempting to think about your next flock at the cost of neglecting your current flock. The pastor who is traveling so much in the name of spreading the Gospel is at the same time neglecting those of which God has placed in his charge right now. His absenteeism opens his congregation to spiritual attacks and worst of all being lost to the enemy. The high-tech world we live in can be a blessing in many ways but it is no substitute for the actual presence and touch of a shepherd. Jesus set the example of what it means to be a shepherd of people and he did it without Facebook or Twitter. Let's take a step back and don't forget the basics and be true gatekeepers for our flocks.
Scott Mielke
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