Day 5 - Spring Up, O Well

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Day 5 - Spring Up, O Well

Post by JAB-CKC »

I grew up on a farm and know how to care of animals, but learning about shepherding is new to me. We had a well but it was already dug and I never thought much about it; not who dug the well; how did they dig it or anything – we just got fresh water from it and that was it. This reading gave me more of an appreciation of what takes place. After reading, I learn that water is a treasure source of supply.

Jethro, a Midinatic priest, assisted Moses in shepherding. His training taught him about water supply, thus, when God commanded him in Exodus 17 to strike the rocks with this staff to provide water for the people. In Numbers 20 God ask Moses to speak to the rock and not strike it but because of his disobedience –he struck the rock which cause God to become angry with him and, thus he was not allowed to exit Egypt. He did not listen to God instruction. God may tell me do something one way and the next time totally different way – I have to learn to listen with intent to God’s voice. The author states that Leading means know where and how to dig but every instruction of good will come from God above. Rest on God guidance and leading. Leading means trusting.
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