Recognizing the Wolves

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Recognizing the Wolves

Post by ckcpatholsey »

I know that after I leave savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Acts 20:29

This scripture really came alive to me and my understanding illuminated as never before. The wolf in the picture was alert, watching intently and standing in position for attack. It means business.
Somehow I had minimized the literal meaning of the scripture; that real live men/women would be coming to the fellowships with an intent to pervert the Gospel message. They will come to devour and scatter them, so that the work of the Lord will not go forth as God intended. To dim our lights and to cause our salt to loose its savor.
As a leader, I must watch and pray. Seek God always and train others to do so.

Shepherd/leaders must be as diligent, alert and intently watching for the enemy to come in and draw off the "sheep", kill their faith, or cause them to back slide and miss out on the full intentions of God for their lives.

He/she must never assume that "all is well."
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