Day 23, The Rod

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Stephanie Whiting
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Day 23, The Rod

Post by Stephanie Whiting »

This is a new way of looking at the line in the 23rd Psalm "thy rod and staff" shall comfort me. Can there be comfort when we know that we will "get the rod" if we veer off the track? From my personal experience, the answer is empathically; yes. At 65 yrs., veering off tract and not being brought back by a caring "shepherd"quickly, is very dangerous. How long do I have to wander trying to find "my way"? I did much wandering as a young person, and got into many dangerous situations, some of which I am still paying the price. My beloved Shepherd did leave the 99 to come find me, and I am back into His fold. Today, I stay up front so I can hear clearly His directions. Discipline is a gift today, one that I enjoy and want to share with those I care about. It is not well received until someone has gotten "lost" like I was, and now wants to be back into the fold. I am a shepherd today that uses a staff mostly, but is not afraid to use the rod when absolutely necessary. I believe that in being a shepherd, honesty, integrity, and agape love are my rod and staff that keep me in line with doing our Lord's work. I do have accountability and value those who are willing to be completely open and honest with me about what they see as my lack of 100% honesty about my motive, intention, or self interest. This has been another thought provoking reading, which I am very grateful for.
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