While Shepherds Watch the Flock
Second Post - Day 23
As a new pastor, one of the areas in which I know that I will need to become better is the use of the rod. Day 23 shares how to use this valuable tool both as a defensive weapon and as a discipline tool. The difficulty with comparing the shepherd in the field with the pastor in the church is the culture and environment in which a person finds themselves.
Therefore, we must fully comprehend what the author is communicating. The author makes a wonderful distinction that the effective rod is based more on the user than the instrument. It is pretty must the same image of a gun. Many have tried to outlaw the use of guns, when in and of itself a gun is harmless; it is the user that presents the danger.
The author is relying on the reader to understand how effective a tool the rod is in the hands of those with the right character and conduct. Furthermore, the author explains how the rod is supposed to be used which helps those with the right character and conduct to understand the right use. When this tool is used by the right person we get the right results which are protection and security. This is what I hope to gain from using this valuable tool and I pray that all in the role of leadership will gain the same.
A safe place for shepherds to reflect together.