Gathering the Scattered

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Gathering the Scattered

Post by grapeko »

Dr Lanisk mentioned "the word from our Father who sends us out is "Don't come home without them"". I meditate this sentence and refresh what is my normal action and reaction to those who wander from God.
First of all, for those who are absence from church for times. I will either call them or send them email for greeting. Let them know they are in my prayer remembrance. In most of the situation, I will see them again in church.
But it is still possible for people to seek pleasure in this world and choose to ignore me and keep me a distance. I do not choose to give up. I believe the power of consistent prayer. I believe "the prayer of righteous man is powerful and effective". I will keep them in prayer until they return to God. I have experienced many miracles in consistent prayers. Jesus Christ is our Chief Shepherd.
May God give me more affections to those still missing.
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