The Psalmist calls us to "number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12)...A wise person is to learn to count and consider the value of a day and hence the sum total of all days given to us. The key is that a day is given to us. We don't earn it, it is God's gift. Once given, once our eyes open each morning, it becomes ours to use wisely and carefully and fruitfully.
Leaders open their eyes each morning and have before them a prayer for the Lord to help them "number their sheep that they may get a good reward for their stewardship". Before us is a crowd, a flock, many, but the many is made of individuals. There may be a big number or small, but regardless of the size of the group, it still comes down to the one.
Have I numbered my sheep, in other words, have I considered carefully the task put before me by the Lord to care for this group? Have I considered the one, and each one individually as significant and unique? The one is not just a number, not just one of the group and worthy of much care even if there were no one else in the flock. Am I aware of the needs of each one? Do I take the time to investigate their location, spiritually and otherwise to determine whether or not they are in the confines of safety or wandering out in a place of danger?
When the one drops off, drops out, drops me, drops church, drops God, does my value on the "one" compel me to search diligently to bring them home. I need to count and thus account. I need to have macro sight and micro vision. I need to see beyond the externals and see the deeper needs. That's how the Lord sees me....part of the flock yes, one of many, but one. Thank You Lord for Your care and attention for me and for the entire flock. Teach us to number our flock.
Jody Cross
A safe place for shepherds to reflect together.