“Don’t come home without them.”

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“Don’t come home without them.”

Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

“As a response to the plight of God’s flock, the Divine Shepherd vows to remove the non-shepherds and to go in search of his lost sheep personally: “I will seek the lost, gather the scattered, bind up the broken and strengthen the sick.” That a passionate portrayal of God’s intense commitment to his dispersed people.”

There is a time for every season. Dr. Laniak encourages us to; “First look inward with brutal honesty, and then move toward gentle reconciliation.” Our family is in need of reconciliation. My wife is broken-hearted. I’m sad and miss the meaningful fellowship we once shared as co-founders, brothers-in-laws and friends. The witness for the Lord is tarnished. Discord over leadership of the business led to dissension and factions that damaged what used to be beautiful and pleasant in countless ways. Satans method to divide and conquer hasn’t changed, maintaining the territory gained for nearly six years since the initial split. Fortunately the evil one doesn’t get the last word. I contributed to the discord through my behavior and immaturity. Those offensive ways contributed to the chasm that currently exists. I’ve confessed them to God and to those I offended. God has and is slowly and steadily conforming me in response to my initiative, and through his grace, in spite of my ignorance. I hope the log removal process in my life results in peacemaking in the context of our broken family.

I believe that the time for reconciliation is coming soon. There’s rusted metal that needs scraped and painted and garments that need mending, but because of Gods promises, I’m confident there will be a favorable outcome. A foundation of prayer has been established. God has heard those prayers. At this point, I’m feeling a tug from God to take the initiative to reach out in an attempt to reconcile, believing he’s way out in front softening hearts. If God doesn’t heal the rift directly, I need to go soon. Our days are numbered and we don’t get the number.

Dave Dassoulas
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