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Post by Ambassador_of_Hope »

Day 23 The Rod

Darkness covers the landscape, light floods in. Alcohol, opioids, depression and selfish ambition are futile blindfolds. The old tale about the emperor who has no clothes, comes to mind. A near death experience exposed alcohol as a cruel taskmaster. Opioids were the fuel that stoked a long and insidious stealing scheme. A camera told the story of no work for services rendered. A vehicle can not be in two different places at the same time. Words and actions unmask the motivations and posture of me me me. Reality is reality and attempts to spin got stopped by the truth. The rod was painful, kind and necessary for the individual, leadership and the community. Some turned. Some kept walking blindfolded.

I am familiar with the rod. It’s been a great teacher. I’ve learned and I’ve turned many times. Today I remember the rod. I like to turn early, cut my losses and avoid the rod. One day I will stand in judgement. I’ll find out the truth of my own blindfolds. I’ll be stripping them off and running into the arms of my Lord and Savior proclaiming, “I’m with Jesus, I’m with Jesus!”

Dave Dassoulas
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