As I read this devotion, I was greatly encouraged by a thought. For years we’ve observed that new believers represent a very small percentage of our numeric growth. The vast majority of people who have come to Harvest over the years grew up in the church.
To grow up Korean-American is to grow up in the church. I realize that is an exaggeration, but it is almost true. Nearly every Korean-American I know has had some significant history in the church. Many of them ran for the hills as soon as they were old enough or free enough to make such decisions for themselves.
For whatever reason, many of my peers left the church and didn’t look back for years. But God has used our church to serve as a welcoming beacon for those scattered sheep he wants to call back home. The “transfer growth� I complained about for years may well be God’s way of using our church to bring home his scattered sheep.
A safe place for shepherds to reflect together.