I’m asking some hard questions of myself this morning after reading about the shepherd healer. We have three kids with neurological disabilities, one of whom is quite afflicted with Autism, Tourette’s Syndrome, OCD, and ADHD. The biggest challenge for us is in trying to maintain an environment with peace and order when one person seems wired to create chaos and disorder. It brings so much harm to the development of the other two and adds so much stress to the mix. I feel like the father in Mark 9 who pleaded with Jesus to save his son from self-destructive torment. We have prayed for healing for years but, like the disciples in this same account, we don’t know why God hasn’t healed him. We have prayed with fasting and faith but without any discernable divine response. So now we pray for a suitable place for our son to be nurtured outside of our home, a place that gives us space to heal. The challenge for this shepherd is to promote health and well-being to each of our children – and ourselves – all at the same time.